Endless Pools Fastlane: Excellent until it isn’t

TLDR; Endless Pools’ Fastlane is GREAT, until something goes wrong with it. Then the resources available to troubleshoot and repair it are lacking.

I have spent over $2,600 trying to repair my Fastlane unit this year. Endless Pools support is limited to either people reading diagnostic flowcharts over the phone or “independent service providers” who can install units but, so far, are not up to the task of diagnosing and repairing them.  I am completely on my own in trying to repair my unit.

So, my enthusiasm has waned somewhat, if you don’t mind spending around $20,000 on a swim current unit and then facing the prospect of wholesale replacing it after 10+ years then maybe go ahead and get one for yourself. Perhaps you’ll be tired of your pool by then and it won’t matter.

For some background, I am a computer-guy. I’m reasonably competent in doing smaller mechanical tasks (install after-market parts on my car, diagnose and repair issues with my Polaris pool cleaner). But I recognize my limitations and will absolutely hire someone more skilled and experienced than me to do certain jobs.

When we built our swimming pool nearly 12 years ago, it was always with the intention of having the Fastlane as a key feature. So, when my Fastlane began to act up toward the beginning of last year (it was becoming difficult to adjust the current speed smoothly), I reconciled myself to getting it repaired for the new summer season. The Fastlane ultimately failed completely at the end of the swimming season last year so I was forced to move forward.

Part of my original reticence in addressing my Fastlane repairs was the complete lack of familiarity any of the pool shops / repair people that I dealt with had with it. Beginning around year 5 of owning the Fastlane, I started casually asking folks if they maintained, or knew of anybody local who maintained, these units. The most frequent response was always, “What is that?” and, after describing a Fastlane to them they usually knew what I was talking about but did not deal with them in any way. So it was not until the unit started exhibiting issues that I really started getting serious about getting help. I honestly did not want anything to do with fixing the unit myself.

Anyway, in speaking with Fastlane’s support line last November, we agreed that it was probably the impeller motor that had seized and that replacing that, along with the hydraulic fluid, should correct the issues I was describing. I ordered the parts in February with the intent of doing the work as soon as the weather became agreeable enough to do so.

Well, after swapping out the old impeller motor and not only purging out the old hydraulic oil, but also opening up the reservoir and completely cleaning out any traces of debris or the older fluid, I topped up the device with fresh new fluid and installed the new filter and turned it on. The hydraulic pump made all the normal sounds it used to make, but … no movement whatsoever on the impeller motor. Which is where I was when the unit failed last fall. This was in March of 2023.

Since then I have been on the phone with Endless Pool’s tech support for HOURS over multiple sessions. These are hours where I had to take the time off work because, you know, I work for a living and the support folks are only available during business hours.

The main issue that I encountered is that there is absolutely no provision for any kind of video call with them so that they can get a real feel for the context of the issue. I had to resort to taking many pictures and the occasional video and sending these to the techs. Each one in turn (I believe I dealt with 5 different techs in total over those weeks) managed to latch on to some irrelevant aspect of my description and insist on performing whatever flow chart diagnostics they had in front of them.

“It’s your impeller motor it must be seized” – “It’s brand new as I have already said”

“Your hoses must have a leak in them” – “Well, when we disconnected the hoses we could see that there was a lack of pressure coming from the hydraulic unit, so pretty sure the hoses are not the cause.”

“Your Proportional Relief Valve is seized” – “You can see from my purchase history that I have already bought a new one and replaced it.”

“Your Pressure Relief cartridge is seized” – “Same as the relief valve, this has also been replaced”

And on and on. I know that these techs deal with loads of customer repairs each day but none of them seemed to be able to listen to what was being said. I can’t tell if they were really making notes on my file regarding troubleshooting that was done, but if they were, subsequent techs whom I spoke with were certainly not reading these.

I’m a bit gobsmacked, my teenaged nephews and niece all have access to any number of video calling technologies: Zoom, Facetime, Teams, WebEx, Bluejeans, etc.

Likewise, in the course of my job I regularly need to use most of these tools every single day.

Yet Endless Pools somehow feels this technology is either unnecessary or inaccessible for them.

If you’ll recall, shortly after installing the Fastlane, Endless Pools support were completely clueless regarding a rather basic issue I was having with staining of the Stainless Steel handbar on the unit. Frankly, anybody familiar with pools (which I was not at the time) should have been able to point me to the solution within 5 minutes. So I am not at all sure what to say about the folks manning the support line.

A couple of months into this process, I submitted my name and location to Endless Pools to get an “independent service contractor” to help me. The fellow whose name popped out was really nice and tried to be helpful, but it seems that his expertise is exclusively in installing nice new units and maybe changing out the hydraulic fluid for customers. But he was utterly out of his depth in trying to troubleshoot my unit’s issue.

I tried again in late June but the “independent service contractor” I reached was going on vacation for the month and wouldn’t be able to help until late July or August.

In my latest call to Endless Pools, the tech agreed that the symptoms being exhibited were not being addressed by their diagnostic flow charts and promised to have one of their engineers contact me as he was certain the engineer should be able to identify and help address the issue. Shockingly, the engineer never contacted contacted me.

I have since been out of the country and had several other pressing personal issues that prevented me from actively pursuing this repair. But it’s looking like the only solution will be to pay Endless Pools $20,000 for a brand new unit. Which seems to be the only thing they are capable of helping with?

It is now September as I write this. Pretty much the entire summer has now passed without being able to use this very expensive paper weight. And I am disappointed.

11 thoughts on “Endless Pools Fastlane: Excellent until it isn’t”

  1. I’m sorry to hear you have been having problems. Also I can’t believe I’ve been 4 whole months since dropping by your site.

    1. Hi King,
      Yes, I will be calling endless pools again shortly. They keep offering platitudes like “We’ll get you sorted out.” but then they have zero resources to do so.
      Thousands of dollars so far and I’ve missed an entire year of swimming due to this nonsense.

      4 months!?! of missing my scintillating (lack of) content? However are you surviving!? ????

  2. Hey Marc,

    I’ve found your journey to be similar to mine and sadly we’re both now in the same spot. With what I thought was first white water mold I’m now looking at complete failure of both the motor and the hydraulic hoses. It’s been less than 4 years. Less than zero support other that product and part replacement (at heavy cost). The worst part was draining the pool to remove all of the hydraulic fluid as well as re-cleaning everything, new filters, etc.. all because a system that sold as ‘salt water pool’ friendly simply isn’t.

    As I’m going to be re-filling the pool tomorrow, do you recommend removing the houses and finding a way to seal where the hoses come through or just capping them off? I see you have your unit just outside your pool but I’d like a longer term solution.

    1. Hi Derek,

      Wow! I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. I’ve been lucky in that my situation does not involve any leaking of hydraulic fluid into my pool so I have not had to undergo the extensive cleanup you faced!

      Do you know what caused the premature failure of the hoses? Mine were actually IN the salt water pool 24×7 for about 11 years and still seem to have full integrity, likewise the impeller part of the Fastlane has, up until last year, been submerged in my salt water pool the entire time. I have been very good about keeping fresh sacrificial anodes on the impeller unit so that has largely staved off any corrosion issues.

      As far as what to do going forward, mine is definitely just sitting there as an ongoing testament to my ongoing inability to fix the issue myself and EndlessPool’s complete inability so service the unit in spite of assurances that they can absolutely do so. Who knows, maybe I should just mount it on a pedestal and bronze it?

      But more seriously, if I had known that it was hopeless when I had the vinyl pool liner replaced last year, I would have had the hoses capped and then plugged the hose holes in the polyurethane wall and simply had the new vinyl liner cover that up. As it is, in a couple of months, when I have given up all hope on repairing this travesty of a piece of equipment, I will go ahead and cap the hoses, but finding a solution to plug the holes in the liner will be a new journey. If you find something effective I’d love it if you could post back about it.

      Good luck!

    2. Hi Marc,
      Hope my comment did not came late and in vane. I share your frustration as I also have months that felt that way with Endless..
      I have one of an earlier version than yours and did lots of repair myself. My hydraulic pump, not your swim hydraulic motor, is a 5 Hp sitting inside the fluid sump.
      Near to your pressure relief like value should have a pressure gauge or dial. If not you have to find one to attach to high pressure outlet to read pump pressure output. Since my old version had a knob turn full clockwise to close recirculating and circumvent the relief valve. The max output hydraulic pressure should read about 500psi. If your pressure is less than 200psi or so, then I suspect your hydraulic pump is the culprit. Maybe $500 at most to replace. Should be an easy job.
      Also make sure you have no frothing in sump when running, that will be other cause like small internal sump HP hose leak or suction strainer clogging!
      Hope that helps Marc!

    3. Hi folks. I’m just contemplating a fast lane pool in Australia and very anxious to read your stories. Would you mind telling me what country you’re in?

  3. I have no experience with ‘endless pools’, but I do have experience with liner pools. I would recomend if using the old liner, just capping the hose(s) that you will no longer use. When the time comes that you get a new liner, then put a thin (think sheet metal) over the hole in the wall.

    1. Hi King,

      My actual pool is a Dejoyaux model. So all the walls are made of polyurethane (I think it’s largely recycled, so.. go environment! 🙂 ).
      But, since I just replaced the liner last year, I’ve got probably another 10 or so years left before the opportunity will present itself again to cover up the holes.

  4. My Fastlane squirted oil into my pool a few months ago. I’ve had it for over ten years and wonder whether it is worth repairing. From your experience, it might not be worth the effort. The in-pool unit failed, and I thought I could replace it, but maybe after ten years, it would not be worth the trouble to try to repair it. Let me know if you guys ever got yours to work again. Perhaps I’ll get a new Slipstream.

    1. Hi Karl,

      It pains me to agree, but it’s true that Endless Pools does not seem to have any way for a normal person to repair a malfunctioning unit. Their utter inability to provide reliable expert support is a major shortcoming.

      I do want to thank you for introducing me to the “slipstream“ unit. While I’m not a super fan of temporary installations, I really do miss having my current in my pool and the slipstream unit would cost a fraction of that of a replacement Fastlane unit. In fact, I have wasted almost as much in repair parts on my existing Fastlane as the cost of a new slipstream.

      I will definitely be posting back here my results one way or another. I will probably take one final stab at trying to repair the Fastlane myself and, consequently, cover myself, my shed, my tools and anything in a 10 foot radius with hydraulic fluid, but I owe it to my bank account to at least try one more time.

  5. I bought an Endless Pool from Fastlane in Australia several years ago. This year the thermostat has packed it in and if I turn it up at all, it goes beserk and keeps heating. This will go on day and night, chewing iup electricity. Tirning it down at a certain temperature does not work.

    I got an electrician to have a look. He can’t do anything because the unit is sealed.

    Then all of a sudden, with no warning the retailer closed their doors. They said we will have support “soon” from Endless Pools in the US. Ha! No word.

    I have resorted to turning the pool filter / heater on only for a few hours each day when solar electricity is being generated.

    What a waste of over $A40,000. I feel betrayed.

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