Moving Back to Quicken from Banktivity (Long)

TLDR; I moved from Quicken to Banktivity a little over 3 years ago and now I’m going back. I basically don’t trust the Banktivity registers and it takes WAY too much time manually inspecting, auditing, and repairing to be worth my effort.

I have tracked my finances in detail since my university days in the mid-80s when I created a complicated set of macros in Quattro to handle the basics required to record, track, and reconcile all of my accounts. This continued until I got my first job and decided I wanted a more polished system, whereupon I migrated over to Intuit’s Quicken product.

I continued to use Quicken for a little over 25 years when they started faltering and appeared about to go out of business. Their support had gone very much downhill, updates to the product were unspectacular and, frankly, it seemed as if Intuit regarded the Quicken product as just an advertising means to push their TurboTax product.

I was disenchanted and looked around for a native MacOS product that could handle my personal finance needs. In late 2018 I decided that Banktivity (which had *just* rebranded from “iBank”) had the comprehensive set of features that I needed, and so I migrated to this platform.

Banktivity was still a bit rough around the edges, but it had just been overhauled and they looked like they were eager to build a world-class personal finance solution so I tolerated some of the fairly glaring shortcomings and found workarounds with the assistance of their support folks.

I have since become disenchanted with Banktivity. I haven’t seen the growth I was hoping for, and I have encountered far too many issues in working with it that I’m not willing to wait any longer to be someday resolved. Couple that with some unpleasant experiences with the support group – not malicious, just condescending – and I started looking for a replacement personal finance tool again.

Banktivity ultimately greatly increased the amount of work that I needed to do to maintain any semblance of up-to-date information. I have been pretty shaken by some of the bugs to the extent that I now have a cloud of uncertainty around most of my accounts and, if I am talking with an advisor, I have to manually double-check the information before presenting what Banktivity has to show.

Following are some cons and pros to Banktivity that brought me to this point. Most of these I’ve approached Banktivity about at some point by leaving suggestions or at least verified that these features are “still in the pipeline” and probably will be forever.


Probably my biggest pet peeve: while I can set up a scheduled transaction list, there is no way to have any of my regular monthly transactions added to the register automatically. Some things I will want to review before they are posted, but I have a BUNCH of things that are recurring bills that are the same amount every month. Making this a manual process is just thoughtless.

Likewise, I have bills that vary throughout the year in a relatively predictable fashion – or even are exactly predictable (such as credit cards which are being tracked in Banktivity), when I go to submit these transactions they really should have a relevant estimated value rather than what I hard-coded in the template transaction 3 years ago or whenever the template transaction was entered. This is a very useful feature for ensuring “reasonableness”. i.e. if my water bill for January is usually X dollars and this January it’s 4X dollars, its much faster and easier if that’s in front of me when I’m adding the transaction to the register than for me to think to check last year’s bill manually.

Sticking with scheduled transactions, they don’t factor in any net worth or register value reporting until they have actually been committed. So any planning like “What will my balance in my checking account be in 6 weeks when I need to pay off that vacation debt” is all manual. Having scheduled transactions – especially those with relevant estimates – included in those projections would make planning and moving money around a LOT easier.

Scheduled Transactions Random Badge

Finally, STILL harping on scheduled transactions, the button used to open the scheduled transaction dialog has a badge on it with – supposedly – the number of outstanding transactions. One would expect this to be the number of transactions up to and including today that have not yet been posted to the registers. Nope. I honestly have found no relation between that badge up there and what is outstanding. Even when I’m completely up-to-date with no pending transactions, that badge will uselessly tell me I have 1,2 or some other number of items that require my attention. I’m just OCD enough for this to niggle at the back of my brain whenever I’m using the app and it annoys me that I cannot clear it or at least explain it.

Next is a pretty big deal: sometimes transactions just go “bad”. Transactions that I *know* have been reconciled, when I go back a few weeks or months later looking for something, I find that either the category has vanished (uncategorized) or the transfer has vanished – which means, in the other register the entire transaction has usually vanished. This is probably the issue that shakes my faith in the product the most. Committed items that change.

Generally, Banktivity pulls in security values pretty reliably and updates the “Summary” and “Portfolio” panels’ net-worth accordingly. But, for some reason, there is a particular fund that I have that should be around $400/share that will arbitrarily be set to $2/share. Why it does this is a mystery. It took a few heart stops looking at my portfolio page (and summary page) before I realized that the tens of thousands of dollars that had suddenly gone missing from my account was due to that little ‘nit. Now I know to watch my summary screen and, whenever I see a drop of that magnitude, I know to go to that security and I have to manually overwrite the $2 value with the previous day’s value. I use Banktivity every day and I need to make this correction no less than 3 times a week.

Fund prices randomly drop from $400+ to $2

Possibly not directly Banktivity’s fault, but I have several accounts that have multi-factor authentication activated – some of them do it more conservatively than others. But for the ones that are truly aggressive – they will challenge just about every time you refresh the account – the product becomes unusable if you allow it to refresh automatically. One of them wants the answer to one of the account’s security questions every time. So I need to manually refresh my accounts daily. If I could choose which accounts automatically refreshed and which would be manually initiated that would greatly reduce that nuisance.

I need to refresh accounts TWICE to ensure that I actually get current transactions if Banktivity has been open for any amount of time. Sometimes I’ll refresh and start wondering why some bank transactions are not there yet, so I’ll refresh a second time and a half dozen transactions will show up and I can reconcile properly.

This challenge comes up frequently and takes WAY to long to clear.

Still picking on downloading transactions – and again, this may not be Banktivity’s fault – but I figure they should be able to make it less onerous. Any time I am challenged for credentials by an institution, it takes *forever* for it to complete the authentication. Even for MFA for an account – if I want that account up-to-date I get to sit there and stare at a modal dialog (which means that the rest of the app is locked until the dialog is cleared) until it is done. This can literally be 30-90 seconds per account. This is super disruptive and, in addition to me only manually initiating the refresh of my accounts, there are some accounts I now actually manually update because they are just too big a PITA to authenticate with ALL the time.

I have one account that incoming deposit transactions – from the institution itself – are reported as withdrawals and so need to be corrected manually each time a deposit is made. I cannot delete the incoming transaction and just use my scheduled one, the transaction will download again and again until I actually edit the incoming transaction and change the value from expense to income.

Both my wife and I have 401(k) accounts and the transaction information coming from those institutions is just laughable gibberish. I need to manually update these accounts about once a quarter by just updating the current account balance and stock holdings. This may not be Banktivity’s fault but I do not recall having these issues with Quicken and these accounts. I will find out if this is the institution or the app when I migrate back to Quicken..

When new transactions are downloaded, I have found no rhyme or reason to the categories Banktivity assigns, and continues to assign to them. Even recurring transactions, from the same vendor with the same(ish) note information I would expect might have some generic category consistently applied, but nope, Banktivity picks the same obscure (as in unique-to-me-but-haven’t-been-actively-used-for-many-years) category every time, even when I correct it, the obscure category will be assigned the next time a similar transaction is downloaded instead of the one I previously assigned.

For some reason, even though I have already manually entered the expense into the register, if there is even a day discrepancy in the date, Banktivity will not match the incoming downloaded transaction with it forcing me to manually merge them. The dollar amount is exact but it seems the date will kill it.

Lately, and for one of my credit accounts, Banktivity re-downloads transactions. These are transactions for which I’ve either matched my manually entered register entries or at least updated and cleared the incoming transaction. The ONLY way to get rid of the duplicates is to delete the already reconciled entries and re-update the newly downloaded transactions. Deleting the new incoming transactions just means they will reappear with the next refresh. This is not just one transaction, this will be a half dozen at a time. It seems hell-bent on making sure I waste my time.

There is a (potentially very useful) view option when inspecting the registers which allows all uncleared and new transactions to sort to the top so you can quickly see what’s come in and what you have yet to reconcile. But, inexplicably, the balance showing beside each of the transactions – especially those that have not yet cleared but may be a few days or weeks old – shows the balance as if the entry was still down in the register. Also, pulling it up and out of the other, cleared transactions, I would rather expect it to not be part of the overall aggregate balance for the BELOW transactions. This makes this view far less useful if I am trying to match the reconciled balance with what is actually showing in the bank or brokerage account portal. I need to manually calculate the value removing any checks (or any future transactions) that have not been cashed yet. This is not an intuitive UI.

Newly downloaded transactions are handily marked as such in the register and that designation hangs around for… some number of days. All of the transactions from that single download will sit there tagged as NEW no way to get rid of them or mark them as “viewed” or “dealt-with”. So the value in being highlighted as NEW is lost as they will still show as new through subsequent download sessions as well.

Speaking of distinguishing downloaded content, I cannot always distinguish downloaded transactions and those manually entered in the register if I do not deal with them soon after being downloaded where they still show the “New” badge. Some downloaded transactions are pretty easy to identify as they’ll have some information from the institution in the note field, but sometimes I cannot distinguish between a transaction I entered and forgot about or a downloaded transaction that has languished for a few days before I reconcile it. I then have to do a bit of thinking whether or not the entry can be marked as cleared. A “downloaded” attribute that I can see would be helpful.

Sometimes transactions that have been downloaded and matched with an existing transaction, “MATCHed” transactions, are automatically marked as cleared, and sometimes they are not. I cannot find a pattern to this, but I cannot depend upon it.

Each register entry has a note field, which shows up in the overall register view, each transaction within the register entry has its own memo field. I’m not sure why, when the Note field is empty, the transaction memo field is not displayed in its place. If there are multiple transactions either the first one can be displayed or perhaps the first 20 characters from each transaction can be displayed until 100 characters or so are showing. This would make scanning the register somewhat easier as the detail can be right in front of you. As it is, I typically copy the memo field into the note field when entering anything I consider important.

Within the past month, Banktivity began balking about the data file being stored in a OneDrive folder. Every time I made a change it would say some other application has changed the banktivity data file and that I needed to manually save it and risk losing data. I ended up having to move the file out of my backed-up OneDrive folder to another location and just have to make absolutely sure my other backups cover it.

While much improved over the years, the summary screen (and the portfolio screen) just don’t add up. I’ve frankly never figured out where they get their “cash” value from. When I called, their support folks couldn’t explain it either. So I need to take this information with a huge grain of salt.

I find it incredibly difficult to tell day-by-day how investments are doing. i.e. I cannot just look at the summary screen for an investment, or for the portfolio for that matter, and understand the what has changed since yesterday or in the past week. The only way that I come close is to memorize the total portfolio value, or the Total net worth and then refresh the accounts (twice) so I can kind of gain a sense of what has grossly happened. But drilling down to determine what individual funds or accounts have contributed to an increase or decrease of my portfolio is pretty arduous.

Net worth reports are unusable. I’ll just leave it at that.

Just yesterday, the scheduled transaction for my monthly auto payment – which has been part of Banktivity’s scheduled payments since I set up the program – simply vanished. I was reviewing my bank account balance and noticed that it was higher than expected, then I realized my car payment was not there. It was not in the upcoming scheduled transaction list for this month. I went and found and opened the entry in the list of defined scheduled transactions and it showed a dialog saying I would need to edit the loan. There it told me the loan was not amortizable and would never be paid off (!!) it gave me the choice of fixing that “error” or not fixing it. I elected to not fix it at this time and… the entry disappeared completely from my defined Scheduled transaction list. I will need to recreate it from scratch by somehow editing the loan to make it reappear.

Using the mobile app has been a terrible experience. If any amount of time has elapsed since I have used the app on either the iPad or the iPhone it will MESS ME UP. The last 2 times I opened it on the iPad (and the iPhone so 4 times – yes I’m a glutton for punishment) it downloaded duplicate transactions across my accounts. It also introduced garbage (uncategorized transactions, orphaned transfers, etc.) across many of my accounts.


Adjusting accounts, i.e. changing the cash balance or the share holdings for an account is pretty straightforward. This is especially useful for those recalcitrant accounts for which I just get gibberish (see above). But pretty easy to force them in line if you don’t care about all the details behind the amounts.

It’s nice to be able to see 2 accounts on the screen at the same time. Especially handy when trying to reconcile issues with transfers, etc.

The app is pretty fast to start and to display information. Which seems to normally be an issue for MacOS data apps.

Bottom Line:

I’m now a MacOS user and wanted a native personal finance app that handles everything a normal person does financially. Banktivity looked like a good choice with support across MacOS, iPadOS and iOS. But it is missing basic functionality that forces a lot of drudge work as well as has questionable reporting and odd UI choices. Its biggest failing is that I just don’t trust the integrity of the data. Things change out from underfoot, often without any indication of a problem until you take a closer look at why some things don’t seem to line up with your real world institution totals.

I see Quicken has a MacOS offering now that, while still lagging behind, is slowly approaching feature parity with the Windows version. They also appear to be taking the product seriously once again. So I’m going to put the product through its paces and see if it can manage my finances in a reliable fashion.

Or maybe I need to re-build my original spreadsheet-based system and keep my data there. It couldn’t be more work than constantly cross-checking Banktivity.

15 thoughts on “Moving Back to Quicken from Banktivity (Long)”

  1. I am running into so many of those issues you wrote about. The withdrawals going into deposits is one of the most frustrating things and it only started in this last year for me. I want to know my balances with a quick glance, but when you put say a $1000 withdrawal into the deposit category it REALLY messes up what the balance is. I waste so much time fixing all of the mistakes that are happening. My scheduled transactions are a joke, as it keeps downloading them from the bank and not matching in the account so I have to delete duplicate items constantly. I have put a ton of time into this program but am definitely looking to move on now. Thanks for the post!

  2. I’d be interested to hear an update to your transition. I was like you – old Quicken user, moved to Banktivity years ago because it was a MAC product. Banktivity still has so many limitations. Are you satisfied with Quicken for Mac, now?

    1. Hi Ann,

      I decided to make the cut-over as clean as possible. Migration into the MacOS Quicken product did involve a fair amount of work, especially if I wanted to maintain the transfers between accounts.

      Since I had already done SO much work to migrate INTO Banktivity, I elected to just freeze everything there and make it my historical record and then start fresh with Quicken. I pulled only about a month or so worth or transactions from Banktivity and manually adjusted them so I could start with a small base of transactions as my foundation.

      Overall I’m finding Quicken to be much more polished/mature. The amounts I’m seeing in the reporting actually make sense to me (they add up…). Scheduled transactions actually WORK and are applied when the scheduled date arrives.

      MFA is not entirely seamless, but I have specified my iMessage (iPhone) number as the text number to use to send me the MFA code. Quicken sees this and actually offers it to me in the verification dialog so I don’t even need to copy-and-paste it. A much easier and faster experience.

      Setting up accounts with Quicken’s Direct Connect was a lot smoother (faster) to do. Each account took a lot less time to authenticate and then link to my Quicken account.

      It’s not all roses, setting up the scheduled transactions was somewhat non-intuitive. I was trying to use the “Bills & Income” section to do this. Some of the schedule transactions *do* appear there but not all, I honestly can’t figure out a rhyme or reason for which show up. But they do all consistently show up within the actual associated account(s) so I only work with scheduled transactions in the related accounts..

      I found that some of the financial institutions that were giving me the most issues in Banktivity were also useless in Quicken (I’m looking at you Nationwide…) but the remaining ones where withdrawals were showing up as deposits and vice-versa are not a problem in Quicken.

      One of my financial institutions insists on including “pending” transactions in the “total” they provide but these pending transactions do not download, so if you are reconciling your accounts (and why wouldn’t you?) you’ll sometimes see that there’s a mismatch between the Quicken cleared balance and the institution’s balance. It’s pretty easy to see what entry or entries are causing the mis-match but it’s a an outstanding minor nuisance. If you are not OCD’ish like me and can ignore the mis-match it will sort itself out when the pending transactions finally post.

      The mobile apps are questionable. I wish I could set them up so they do NOT try to update my accounts because they seem to only manage to apply a subset of transactions. I haven’t really explored them a lot. I was hoping to use them when I travel to record transactions on the go but they still make a mess of my accounts so I just stopped using them. I think if I ONLY used Quicken for iPad or iPhone it might be OK, but it seems going back and forth between the MacOS and iOS versions is not well tolerated.

      On balance, I’m MUCH happier having switched back to Quicken. I spend a whole lot less time hunting down and correcting errors and quirky problems. It’s also faster and more polished for my purposes.

  3. Marc,

    Thank you for the detailed post and your follow-up reply to Ann. I started another evaluation of Banktivity after moving away from them a couple of years ago. I’ve been running the latest release of Banktivity and must say I haven’t seen any huge steps forward to get me to move back. Quicken for Mac mets all my needs. More importantly is shows the correct amounts for my investment accounts,

    Every couple of years I will give some software packages another try, but Banktivity is still lacking.

    1. I am very pleased with Quicken support.
    2. Banktivity support has not been a problem for me, but during my evaluation process I did see that they are now short staffed.
    3. Banktivity is always off thousands of dollars on my investment accounts. I don’t want to have to make manual updates. That’s why I purchase software.

    I will keep an eye on Banktivity, but for now I will stick with Quicken.

    I too wish Quicken would get serious about their mobile app, though. That was one thing I did like about Banktivity. I could reconcile my accounts from my iPad with the Banktivity app.

    Guess we can hold our breath for Quicken.

  4. I also moved from Quicken to Banktivity when Quicken dropped support for the Mac. Based on what I see with TurboTax for Business, it is obvious that Intuit could care less about Mac users. I worry that they will again drop support for Macs and leave us stranded to find a third party app,

    Having said that, I am very frustrated with Banktivity now because they switched to Yodlee and MFA is not working as it should. I cannot get my Vanguard account to connect.

    1. Hi Norman,
      I don’t know if it’s related, but Quicken for MacOS has also been failing to connect to Vanguard for the past week or so. I tried it again just now and it’s FINALLY working.
      Maybe check again with your Banktivity and see if perhaps your connectivity issue was caused by the same problem?


  5. I plan to call Banktivity and Vanguard tomorrow. Unfortunately Banktivity has hours of 10-4 and Vanguard turns off access from 8-5. So I can’t test until after hour for both of them. I tried several times this weekend with MFA both off and on at Vanguard with no difference. Banktivity went to Yodlee for accredation and from what I have seen so far it is disappointing.

  6. Thank you for all your input. I still have connection issues with Banktivity. For at least two years, it was ‘interpreting’ my checking account as a ‘loan’ account when I logged into my bank. Then suddenly it started working early last summer. Alas, that lasted only about a month, then around August, it began interpreting checking accounts as ‘closed’ at my bank – not matching the accounts with the bank listings. (it logins into the bank fine, but interprets the checking account as ‘closed’) *ugh* Still manually inputing most the time. But, too weary to switch back to Quicken for Mac.

  7. In 1994, my husband & I started using Quicken. When he decided to switch to Banktivity around 2014, we both became familiar with it, but he was the main person entering data, paying bills w/computer checks, etc. Sadly, he passed away unexpectedly Jan. 1, 2020, and for months I really struggled with Banktivity. Their “support” system is pathetic! I really needed to speak to someone, rather than type questions & answers back & forth. I wasn’t happy when Banktivity changed their pricing to different tiers of service. Once that began, I went back to using a checkbook! Thanks for your comments. I may ask my son to help me start fresh with Quicken.

    1. Janet,
      I’m so sorry to hear about your husband’s passing. And having to deal with unhelpful financial assistance must have been terrible.

      I do hope you start fresh with Quicken (maybe go with the Windows version if you have the choice). There is no greater security than being able to see your complete financial picture in one place. For me it offers financial peace of mind that is absolutely worth the cost of the subscription.

      Good luck on your journey!

  8. I agree that Banktivity support is a tad slow in getting answers, but every time they addressed my issue. Intuit abandoned Macs and then made pathetic half-hearted efforts to bring back Mac Quicken. I don’t know what the differences are today between the Mac and PC version and I have no intention of having to create an account to find out. Simply put, I don’t trust Intuit to support Macs in the long run. The don’t support Macs at all with their business Tax package and I have no faith in their future commitment to Quicken. Banktivity was created as a Mac app in response to Intuit abandoning the Mac community. I will continue to support and use Banktivity.

    1. Intuit definitely eroded trust in Quicken as a whole several years back when they were making noises about getting rid of the portfolio. And they definitely dropped the ball for Mac users and IMHO still haven’t fully recovered on that front. Quicken for Mac still appears the be the “red headed stepchild” of their portfolio.
      But even with that, I found that Banktivity’s complete inability to address issues with their flagship product on the only supported platform to be disappointing.

      And definitely don’t get me started on ANY of the tax software products out there. I absolutely cannot give my money to any of them as they just turn around and use that money to lobby against any improvements in our tax code that would reduce the nightmare gauntlet each of us faces every April…

  9. Thanks for the long, detailed review of Banktivity. I switched from Quicken for Mac to iBank (now Banktivity) in 2009 when Intuit stopped supporting Quicken for Mac. I have stayed with Banktivity because it works well for me. I do NOT experience most of the issues you reported.

    I would also point out that Quicken has NOT been owned by Intuit for a LONG time. Various pieces of the software, including Quicken for Mac, were sold off over time. For example, Quicken was sold in 2021 to Aquiline Capital Partners by H.I.G Capital, who purchased it in 2016. Once a company starts getting passed between private equity firms, products tend to go downhill, as the owners just try to extract profits before selling it to the next one. See the history at:

    Banktivity is not perfect, but for the most part, I like and trust it. And I like the way it has been improved over the years. I have lot of bank, credit card and investment accounts. I pay for Banktivity’s Direct Access subscription service (Yodlee). It provides fast, easy and reliable access to all of the banks and institutions I use most of the time.

    I find Banktivity manages scheduled transactions exceptionally well (I have a LOT of them). I simply do not relate to the issues you report. I also reconcile all of my accounts monthly. Occasionally, I have to find some missing charges or fix a duplicate entry or a transaction label (deposit vs expense). It is not hard and my registers balance to the penny with the institution’s balances.

    I use Banktivity’s downloading feature to auto download transactions in most of my accounts daily. I do find that, SOMETIMES, the source of bank account connectivity issues is my Firefox browser… NOT Banktivity or the bank. So, I have learned to use Safari in some situations to fix a broken connection for automatic transaction downloads.

    While I basically trust Banktivity’s mortgage loan management feature, I do have to make occasional adjustments to the details of monthly loan payments because the banks calculate interest using different interest formulas. I do not use the loan feature for smaller low or no interest loans.

    The ONLY real issue I have with Banktivity is its inability to accurately track INVESTMENTS. It seems to handle the complex details on dividends, buy/sell transactions, etc. for a few months, but eventually the account balances become horribly messed up. I is impractical / impossible to fix them. So, I gave up on this in Banktivity. I monitor my investment accounts online and manually enter a single update in Banktivity balances each month. It’s a bit of a pain, not hard.

    I do NOT use its budgeting feature. It is overtly complex and not effective in my view. AND Banktivity does NOT track REAL CASH FLOW. So I feed info from Banktivity reports into a spreadsheet to track the monthly FLOW of money between Income, Expenses, Debt payments, AND transfers between Checking, Savings and Investment accounts. This gives me a reliable BIG picture of our overall finances.

    Lastly, I really like Banktivity’s robust reporting features – it enables me to easily handle our fairly complex annual Federal tax reporting process every year. I’ve also used IGG’s technical support many times. While I would prefer to speak directly to a person, I find that IF I prepare the facts regarding an issue IN WRITING, IN ADVANCE, the chat problem solving process goes quite smoothly. And I find their tech support folks to be knowledgeable, respectful and helpful.

    1. Hi Mac Carter,
      Yes, it’s the 21st century and we still can’t get WYSIWYG when copying from platform to platform. Although it does appear that, for the final posting, your well-crafted posting at least got its formatting put back again (at least the page breaks…) even if WordPress stripped them out from your preview screen.

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