Current Podcast list

In case you’re interested, here is what I’m currently subscribed to for podcasting.

My absolute favorite podcast is still the “Skeptic’s guide to the Universe“. But I make a point of listening to SlashDotReview every morning either while exercising or when I’m commuting to work.

I cannot emphasize what a rich resource these podcasts are both for entertainment and for news and information. The content is free and what few that have ads either position them so they are unobtrusive, the ads are somewhat entertaining or they are easy to skip with a flick of the iPod trackwheel. The only use I have for conventional radio anymore is for weather and traffic if I don’t feel like looking either up on my Blackberry.
I still use Doppler to retrieve my podcasts. The newer 3.x version is slow in coming out and looks like it may be lacking some of the features that I currently favor. I like doppler so much because I have it configured so that it automatically removes any podcast that I set to a rating of 2 stars. I’m not obligated to fast forward to the end or otherwise “trick” iTunes into thinking I’ve listened to the whole podcast before it will be cleaned up for me. Also, doppler allows me to override certain fields in the podcast such as Genre so that I can cluster them all together in one smart playlist to make it simple to ensure that I don’t have forgotten podcasts scattered across my iPod.
Here is a link to my current podcast OPML file that you can just import into your current podcatcher. I can’t seem to figure out how to make this a proper OPML link so you’ll need to “Save Link as…” if you use Firefox or “Save Target as…” if you use IE. Make sure the file you save is “CurrentPodcasts.opml”. IE seems to want to change it to an HTM file.
Here is a text listing of the above podcasts just FYI:

“Slacker Astronomy”
“Slashdot Review”
“Gmail Podcast”
“The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe”
“Pilotcast – Aviation Podcast for Pilots, by Pilots”
“IT Conversations”
“Quirks and Quarks”
“TEDTalks (audio)”
“Career Opportunities: The High-Tech Career Handbook”
“The Finer Points – An Aviation Podcast”
“NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory Podcast”
“Science @ NASA Feature Stories Podcast”
“Skepticality – Science and Skeptic Thought”
“Astronomy a Go-Go!”
“Astronomy Cast”
“Battlestar Galactica”
“Universe Today”
“43 Folders”
“Slacker Astronomy Bonus Features Feed”
“Doppler Test Channel”

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