*Update* check out this posting. I do NOT recommend this router.
Just finished configuring my DI-524, WEP enabled, MAC filtered and all and so far I’m very impressed. Performance seems to be MUCH better than my Linksys WRT54G.
I have a machine in my den at the front of the house (about 45 feet from the router plus going through about 4-5 interior walls) which, using the WRT54G I usually maxed out at 18 Mbps and more often hovered in the 5.5 – 11 range. With the new router I seem to be holding steady at 24 Mbps and it flirts with 36 (instead of with 18…) on a regular basis.
Since that machine is usually unattended the speed was never really an issue but I see it as an indicator.
Also, all my devices appear to be happy with the WEP encryption turned on. My little Roku soundbridge is merrily putting out my favorite songs with nary a hiccough.
Even more impressive to me is that I recycled the DI-524 and none of my devices complained. Not even the extra-sensitive Roku.
So far the only outstanding issue apppears to be that my BitTorrent client (Azureus) doesn’t seem to be able to get through the new configuration properly. I’ll post an update if I figure it out, the directions from D-Link for port forwarding are pretty straightforward but this doesn’t seem to help.
More Details – This Article indicates how to set up a virtual server port forwarding to the machine you run Azureus on. You also should choose a different port from Azureus’ default (6881) since it seems ISPs like to block it. I also have a Vonage Linksys RT31P2 router sitting between the D-Link and my cable modem so I also needed to forward the port I chose through that router too.