OK Things should be pretty much back to normal

I’ve pieced things together and have tried using as much “off the shelf” stuff as I can. It seems it all needs a little tweaking to do exactly what *I* want it to, but overall I’m pretty pleased with the results.

If you see anything odd, please let me know. I use Firefox as my browser as I can customize it to work the way I think. So my Internet explorer testing may be lacking on some of the more obscure aspects of my site.

I’m pretty excited about some of the new widgets that I’ve found. Most notably the “Related Posts” widget. When you open an actual post it will show items that it thinks are somewhat related both in the sidebar (useful for longer posts) and at the bottom of the current post.

I expect to keep tweaking things over the next few days until I get all of the info that I want up into the sidebar. So far I haven’t found anything that satisfactorily handles the rather over-long “Archives” listing. If you have any suggestions on that, let me know.