2012 Home Renovations – Part 20 – Modular Retaining wall continues

We are in that phase of the project where the work done is more incremental than it was originally.

Below we see that work continues on the modular block retaining wall

And initial fill behind the wall that will allow widening of the driveway also continues

The dirt pile continues to shrink. We’ve had several people drop by offering to take the dirt for projects that they have ongoing. But I think we’re going to end up using ALL of it in the last phase of this job.

There is not much more that will be done with this retaining wall. Hay (Pine Straw) has been put down to control erosion. The cement wall is very near the property line so all that “Pine Strawed”  portion is my neighbor’s to do with what he wishes. It’s not much different than it was before my project. He’s still trying to figure out what he wants to do with that area.

In the back, now that the patio cement is mated to the existing slab by the shed, we’re pulling out the existing timbers and replacing them with new ones that will extend through the new length of this area.

At the end where you see the shovels and pick axe there will be steps to provide easy access to the back yard now that our former path that led there is blocked by the pool retaining wall

Right about where the Pool retaining wall and the wooden wall meet will be where we locate the pool heater, fastlane hydraulic pump and the salt water system.

The wood beams will only come to about halfway across the end of the cement wall. We intend to rock-face the wall and we’ll put a final corner on it here so that the wood won’t be visible unless you are actually looking at it from this vantage point.

2012 Home Renovations – Part 19 – Sealing the Deck, Start of Modular Retaining Wall

2012 Home Renovations – Part 21 – The Boulders are installed


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