I’ve had this switch for almost exactly 6 months now and it’s just failed utterly on me this morning.
My setup is:
1 desktop machine (Alienware) with two monitors (Syncmaster 226BW and SyncMaster 2343BWX)
1 Dell Lattitude E6410 with a port replicator
I don’t like using laptop keyboards or the eraserhead or trackpad pointer devices. I’m a mouse and full-sized keyboard kind of guy.
The laptop travels with me to and from work so I can have a consistent platform as my primary workstation.
I used the TK-207K to share the 226BW between the laptop and the Alienware along with a proper keyboard and mouse. This has always presented a minor issue where, each time I replace the laptop into the port replicator and switch to it, the resolution on the monitor is ALWAYS incorrect with no correct option to select from. I always need to log onto the laptop and then PULL THE VIDEO PLUG out of the back of the port replicator and then plug it back in. After this the computer recognizes that the resolution is incorrect and allows me to select the right resolution. The monitor that I use at work has exactly the same native resolution so there is something a little odd here. Once this is done I’m good until the next time I remove the laptop.
This morning I was working on my Alienware machine when the keyboard and mouse just stopped responding and the computer threw up a message indicating that it did not recognize a USB device.
Several restarts later and after swapping out keyboards I come to the conclusion that the TK-207K is no longer of this world…
I am not going to try to get a replacement as others have done. I’m sure TRENDnet will probably honor their warranty but frankly I prefer my stuff to work the first time and work right.
I’m going to look for another solution. Until then I will have an extra monitor on my desktop and two keyboards and two mice.
I have Trendnet TK-407K which has failed for no reason at all. It will NOT light up what so ever. After a severe hunt, I’ve discovered others are having the same issue. The unit apparently just burns out like a cheap lightbulb