My mother lives in Canada and recently purchased a plane ticket to fly from Toronto to Orlando, Florida.
Check out the price of the ticket and then how she gets positively hosed on the taxes and additional junk fees.
Airfare Price (Canadian Dollars): $119.00
Taxes and surcharges: $233.54
Total(Canadian Dollars): $352.54
By contrast, a single fare ticket from Atlanta, Georgia to Orlando costs this much.
1 adult: $178.00
Taxes & fees: $28.39
Total: $206.39
1 adult: $178.00
Taxes & fees: $28.39
Total: $206.39
I don’t know if the airlines build extra charges into the fees but those Canucks are getting screwed every which way from Sunday on them.
Have I mentioned lately how much I *love* living in America? If only we can solve the horror that is our medical system.