I purchased my new Samsung TV set back in January from Amazon.com.
It had associated with it a rebate that is mediated through CheckMyRebate.com. Fortunately I do not factor rebates into my purchasing decisions as that would be a frustrating practice indeed. But this one was for $200 at NFLshop.com and, well, $200 is $200.
So I sent off the rebate and put a note in my “tickler file” to remind me to check up on it.
A few weeks ago (at about the 10 week mark – the outside limit for which I should have to wait according to the form) I checked on the web site and it indicated that all was well but that it is still pending a final audit.
Rebate Details
Tracking No: 20784649 Date Posted: 2/6/2009 10:30:00 AM Date Processed: 2/16/2009 Date Shipped:
Your JANUARY NFLSHOP.COM OFFER offer was received on 2/6/2009 , processed on 2/16/2009 and is pending Final Audit.
I just checked again today and can see nothing has changed so I sent them the following note through their “Contact Us” form.
I sent my rebate for the “Samsung NFL Shop Offer” on January 19, 2009.
I can see that it has been received and has been “Pending final audit” for nearly two months now (nearly 3 months from when I sent in the rebate).
Can you please review this case and expedite it?Thanks,
I’ll post the results. I’m posting this blog entry just so that others will have something to find and can see what works and what doesn’t in trying to reclaim money promised by manufacturers and retailers who use these awful rebates as incentives.
*** Update April 16, 2009 ***
I *did* receive the following response yesterday:
Dear Marc
We have received your rebate on
2-6 it can take 8-10 weeks from that date
By my math that would mean I’d receive the rebate by… tomorrow (4/17).
Let’s see what happens.
*** Update April 24, 2009 ***
I sent this to them today:
Hi Jenn,
Just checked and I still don’t see any movement on the rebate, it’s now been 11 weeks since the rebate was recorded in the system and 14 weeks (over 1/4 of a year now) since I actually mailed it in.
*** Update April 16, 2009 ***
I *did* receive the following response yesterday:
By my math that would mean I’d receive the rebate by… tomorrow (4/17).
Let’s see what happens.
I sent this to them today:
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one with this problem. I sent them my rebate, they
received it on 2/11/09 processed it on 2/16/09
and nothing has happened with it since. I sent them an email last month about it and have not received anything from them not a phone call email nothing. I just sent them an email today so maybe they’ll actually reply this time but I won’t hold my breathe. Good luck!
@Ken –
Hey Ken,
I guess I’m glad to have the company. It’s nice to know you’re not the only one being “mishandled”. 🙂
I must say, except for Symantec, I’ve had generally good luck with rebates when I’ve ended up pursuing them. Maybe because I’ve done so few of them.
But this has soured me somewhat on Samsung’s good name. Before this I would have rated that company as 100% reliable and trustworthy. This experience has put a question mark beside their reputation for me. Associating with questionable businesses cannot help Samsung’s reputation.
Samsung working with this company or rather hiring them to do their rebates definitely isn’t good for their reputation. Whats driving me nuts is that about 2 years ago I bought a different Samsung tv that had a $100 gift card to nflshop.com offer, I did receive that one granted it also took awhile but I don’t think it took this long. Can’t say that if I had to do it again that I’d buy a different brand though because I didn’t know about the rebate until I bought my tv and It took me months of reading reviews and comparisons before purchasing. So the $200 GC wasn’t a factor in my purchase just an added bonus(if I ever receive it!).
I too mailed in my forms well before the due date and have received nada…..After the store delivered my set in the snow, they unpacked it outside, brought my set in and threw the packaging, with my UPC label, back in the truck. I signed and off they went.
Wjen I read the offer,I went back to the store and they said they would send it to me..a week went by, I called, another 8 days went by…I visited and basically called the rep a pisshead and suspected him of taking the store invoice changing the address and then submitting his own offer ticket. Maybe that did happen…we will see. I do not have my 200. rebate yet.
Guess i’ll join the club> bought my samsung 1/4/09 still no nfl rebate. Nice customer service!!!!!!!!!!!
We bought our samsung tv on 01-24-09 and have not received our NFL shop offer. We are patiently waiting for your response. Please be accountiable.
We bought our Samsung TV on 01/18/2009, sent our rebate claim and have a tracking number. They posted our claim on 02/18/2009 and processed it on 02/23/2009. Today, 05/10/2009 I can’t even find the web site http://www.checkmyrebate.com and we still haven’t received our $200.00 NFL Shop certificate.
I checked and I’m glad to say that you must have experienced a glitch where the checkmyrebate.com site was missing.
While verifying the website I checked *my* rebate status and see that it is now:
I sent checkmyrebate.com a 2nd email on April 27,09 after they did not respond to my first email a month before, on May 4, 09 I received a reply stating
— We have processed your rebate and it is being prepared to ship. You may periodically check for your exact ship date using http://www.checkmyrebate.com. Your certificate will be sent in a white envelope via USPS first class mail.
Thank you for your patience concerning this matter.
Sincerely, Pat
Account Services
now lets see how long it takes them since today is may 11 and nothing has changed on my account with them. I’ll let you know if or when anything changes
So I went to my mail box today opened it up and their was an envelope to me from a company called Tri Star Fulfillment, so I opened it thinking it was just junk mail and to my surprise it was my $200 GC to nflshop.com. Don’t go by that checkmyrebate.com website its useless, it still shows mine as being prepared to be shipped. So hopefully you’ll get yours soon!
@Ken – When I got home today I had the same experience. I’ve got the rebate sitting on my desk in front of me.
Thanks for posting that Ken!
congrats, now lets hope they work!
I got mine yesterday, 5/12/09, WOW what a long wait. Now to deceide how to spen it!
Thanks Mark.
SPEN??? Ment SPEND!!!
I bought my TV for the Super Bowl in January 2009. Haven’t received my $200.00 re-bate ,and it is Sept.?????????????????
@Larry – Hey Larry, I recommend visiting their website. At the very least you’ll be able to find out if your rebate is even in queue…