Renovation update 05/24/2007

Got a bunch of little things done. Also, since we’re now waiting on the new mirror Tommy and Larry took some mirror pieces that they had and fashioned a make-shift one that would serve until June.


We’re also waiting on the mirrors for the medicine cabinet doors, but here is a pic showing my toothbrush charger as I try to sort out its new home. Mich is happy ’cause these things no longer need to reside on the counter to be near an outlet.


Also, ‘though we haven’t yet cleaned out all the sawdust from construction, here is the hair dryer in its drawer with a power strip. So you can open the drawer to use it plus any other electrical appliances that you may need. Then rest them in the drawer and push them out of sight. And no, there are no curling irons or anything similar to that that we use that could stay on without us knowing about it.


In the water closet, the towel racks and the toilet paper dispenser were mounted. The original toilet paper roll holder that we’d purchased we quickly discovered would not be able to hold the double-sized roll that is so common nowadays without having it press against the wall. We were pretty disappointed. But then we noticed that one of the hand-towel holders which we were not going to be using since we’d purchased the smaller towel racks now mounted in the vanity areay, hold the roll very nicely. So that’s what we’re using now.


Here’s another gratuitous picture of the window with the bed in place. New end table design is in process so we’ll be using the old bureaus until that’s complete.


Finally, here is a cool door stop that I found at Woodworker’s Hardware and purchased through Amazon (to use some of the Amazon gift certificate money that I’ve accumulated from my Amazon Visa card). I had ordered some grommets from them to finish the holes in our cabinet (to allow wires to pass out the back and between the two main sections of the cupboard) and they sent their great catalog full of very niche solutions to problems you encounter every day when trying to finish renovations or new construction.


The head contains a very powerful magnet that mates with this piece on the door


and will not only prevent the door from bumping the wall (primary purpose) but will also prevent the door from swinging shut when you have a window open.

2 thoughts on “Renovation update 05/24/2007”

  1. Thanks for mentioning that magnetic doorstop! It is exactly what I need to keep a door blowing shut. I went out and found one and installed it today.

  2. Glad I could help! Sometimes you only need to see something to jog your memory about a problem. We’d been putting shoes, boxes, whatever in front of our doors for ages. It hadn’t really occurred to me to find another solution until these just jumped out at me from the catalog.

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