Welcome Phoebe. We were going to rename her to “Jessica” but after a while Phoebe just stuck and now we think of her as Phoebe. We’ll be replacing her little metal tag that says “Phebe” shortly in case she manages to get out of the house. As you can see from the picture she *really* likes having her ears/head scratched. Handy since the only way you can get her to look right at the camera is if you happen to be holding her head :). It took well over a month but Phoebe and Maverick are now getting along quite well. I don’t expect they’ll ever be all over each other, Mav has owned the place for about 8 years now, but they keep each other entertained.
Waaaaah – she looks a lot like Tribble, only cuddlier. Congratulations on the new addition to the family.
Oh she is so pretty!!! I can’t wait to meet her. I’m glad to hear that Maverick is slowly getting around to accepting her. Hopefully they’ll be great pals soon. Let us know when you need a cat-sitter. Nathalie.
Congratulations! She is very cute.
Congrats on new baby Phoebe, Love the name! Mike says ahhhhhhh!
Congratulations! she is so cute ! she definitely is a Phoebe.
I’m so glad to hear you’ve decided to keep her (and her name!) She’s looks very sweet. Congratulations!
She is adorable. I’m sure Mav and Phoebe will be the best of friends. Lina wrote to her but she probably hasn’t received her first letter yet. Can’t wait to see her in person. With Mav being her mentor I just know it won’t take long for both of them to follow the rules…..oops! I meant, of course, to make the rules.
Welcome Phoebe… You are very lucky to have a great home and a great new family!!!